Thursday, 29 August 2019

How Can Maximise the Life of Rugs!

Cleaning rugs not only improves their overall appearance but it significantly increases their life also. Dust and dirt reduce the actual look of rugs and stay on these over the years. In addition, the more dust is collected in the fibers of rugs, the more harm it does. But, with the help of annual rug cleaning promises you can save your rugs from damage.

This helps to maximize the life of traditional rugs and minimize the dust. In fact, many modern rug manufacturers provide regular cleaning if you want the warranty to remain valid. The more you keep your rug clean, the longer you will not have to pay for a new rug. However, here are the following ways to maximise the life of rugs:

Use the Vacuum Cleaner

Dust and dirt particles can give your rugs a dull look over time. In addition, it can also become a breeding ground for bacteria and all other household nasty things. One simple way to minimize the risk of this origin is to vacuum your rugs. It's suction capacity will be the most powerful and practical. When you vacuum your rugs, you must find and spend your time on it. Thus, your vacuum cleaner can pick up more dirt and dust. You should pay attention and time to clean areas with both low traffic levels and two to three times more places with high traffic patency.

Use Pre-Door Mats Both on Outside & Inside The Room

When people from the street to enter the room, they can use the vestibule mat to clean shoes, both outside and inside. Thus, there is a chance that dirt will get into the room less. Doormats are much cheaper to buy and easy to clean. The external one will collect all the strong pollution of the shoes, the internal one will allow you to easily remove shoes, boots, shoes, preventing the penetration of residual dirt into the room.

Take off your shoes when you walk into your house

The only thing you can do is take off your shoes near the doorstep before you enter your house. This is a practical way to keep your rugs longer. It also means that your rugs will not be damaged by the sole of the shoes. Taking off your shoes at the door can protect households from street dirt. The simplest rule that needs to be worked out before automatism.

Vanish the Stains, Drips

Even extremely tidy people are faced with the fact that a stain from spilled liquid appears on the rug. The probability of such an event is especially high if there are children in the house. The longer you do not pay attention to the drip, the greater the chance that it will be impossible to eliminate the stain on your own. In case of especially severe pollution, you should immediately use the service of dry-cleaning rugs at home. Many liquids contain such a colouring matter that only special cleaning chemistry can handle.

Rinsing Stains After Cleaning

Having independently eliminated the stain from filling liquids with a cleaner, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the place. The procedure is carried out in order to remove the remnants of the cleaning agent, which also attract dust, dirt. By clearing the place of contamination and forgetting to rinse, a person contributes to the creation of a new, visually noticeable mud area.

Systematic Rug Cleaning

Companies producing rugs, indicate the recommended frequency of dry cleaning once a year, using hot water for cleaning. Not all types of rugs allow this procedure. How to proceed, what rules to adhere to, consult the specialists of cleaning companies while purchasing the floor rugs online. They will show you the best, economical solution in each case.

Clean your Rugs Professionally

The best way to bring life back to your carpets is to use the services of a cleaning company. This process includes special systems that remove all dirt, dust and allergens using hot water and pressure cleaners. These are professional equipment and hypoallergenic products that will not harm your health and the colour of your carpets. The quality of cleaning will depend on the amount of use of the cleaning company. If carpets are located in areas such as offices or retail stores, they will need more frequent cleaning. But in an ordinary house, cleaning will need at least once a year.


In order to extend the life of the carpet, it is important to remember the main conditions like regular dry cleaning of the carpet, and periodic dry cleaning of the carpet with professional equipment and chemistry. Follow these above-mentioned tips and keep your rugs’ life long and lasting.


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